[Story] Transmissions

[[ Just some short SWTOR stuff, letters between Kif’et the Smuggler and my Jedi. Hopefully leading into a storyline! ]]

XXXXXEncrypted MessageXXXXX
Origin: Unknown


I got in touch with one of my contacts, and being as small a galaxy it is, she knew your brother.  She didn’t have much to say, but the last she had seen him was on Alderaan.  He was researching (what exactly she didn’t know, or at least didn’t tell me).  This was close to when Zakuul invaded, so it was a while ago.  Fortunately it appears he left before there were any hostilities, and he was in sound health when she last saw him.  At least that was some good news, though it is old.

I will be of the grid for a while.  Apparently asking around about your brother brought on a bit of heat.  Kind of need to disappear, for a week or two…maybe three.

Please be careful, not sure what all is going on, but I don’t want you in any trouble.  Kind of care about you, ya know?




Greetings Kif,

What do you mean, some trouble? What sort of things has he gotten mixed up in? What was he doing on Alderaan? I have so many questions. I am relieved that he is alive — or he was, at least. I like to believe that I would feel it if he wasn’t, I know it’s possible when there is a strong bond between people. But we’ve been apart more than we’ve been together, all of those years. It seems so unfair to find him only to lose him again. Did your contact see anyone with him? Any of his crew, or apprentice?

I hope this message will reach you before you go dark. If not, it will be waiting and you know where I can be found. I wish I could say that I could continue my studies in the meantime, but I expect I will be too distracted for that, so perhaps meditations would help. You never know, maybe they would help you as well.

Your friend,

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