Protected: [Screenshots] Derp Roundup

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[Story] Xanaroth’s Notes

* Vallindra was home early last night, a pleasant surprise. It’s been so long since we’ve been able to have dinner together. Granted, we weren’t alone — her younger sister has been staying in the city for the past week or so. (Not at the house, thankfully.) Vallindra tells me she’s rather close to this one, and she seems agreeable enough. It’s just a bit un-nerving with too many women around in one place.

* Kestrae was there as well, without her archer accessory. I suppose he is off fetching food for the dragon again, though according to all reports it should be well enough to hunt on its own now. It’s a matter of some concern to Kestrae; she believes there may be some other reason for the dragon to linger behind in their care. Either that it’s simply less work to have one’s food delivered daily, or something else. It’s capable of speaking now — if she can get a straight answer, of course. Dragons are fond of speaking in riddles, from what I have read. I’ve never spoken to one myself, it might prove interesting.

* We were able to speak a bit about Aeramin’s research, though not as plainly as I would like with other people present. Kestrae doesn’t believe that he has found any more stone fragments, which means they are still here somewhere in Outland. (Unless of course, they were carried elsewhere.) What if that’s what the dragon accidentally swallowed?

* She also mentioned a large ley-line that she had found, one that had an erratic pattern. I would very much like to see it and perhaps investigate the source of its peculiarity — if that can be observed. I have a feeling it may have to do with the fel energy present in Shadowmoon, and I am curious as to how the two react. That’s been the main focus of my research with the summoning circles atop the ley-lines, after all.

* I am eager to begin study on Aeramin’s project, and see the location that he found. With the dragon’s outlook good, we should be able to start very soon. Aeramin did eventually show up at the restaurant, but I didn’t have a chance to speak with him about it. Evidently he had to defend his blood knight’s honor, and tell Vallindra’s sister to leave him alone. She’d been making rather obvious advances at him all evening, and really someone ought to have quietly told her, but there’s a certain amusement in watching the cat toy with its prey. The poor boy seemed more embarrassed than anything about the whole ordeal. Vallindra’s sister is in a hurry to find a man of her own before her mother arranges something. I don’t understand why she’s so set against it — she said the boys in Silvermoon are rich and snobby. I don’t see what would be so bad about a rich husband.

* I suppose if I could think of anyone suitable… most of my associates were in Dalaran, and I haven’t the first clue where they are now. And there was Berwick of course, but he’s still with that ranger woman the last I heard, and no doubt his captivity has taken its toll on him. Maybe Vallindra’s sister would like an old summoner for a husband.


[Story] Letter to Xyliah

Dearest Xyliah,

 I know you’re already on your way here, and the mail here is slow so I should probably just wait and give this to you when you arrive. It’s just that writing to you makes me feel better and it’s too early to sleep just yet. This house is huge, much bigger than I expected. I don’t know how he got the money to buy a place like this. I keep thinking about how I could have bought a house with my savings before. If only I had known what would happen. It’s not fair that he has one, and we don’t. It definitely needs a lot of work though, much more than some paint. This is going to be a big job and I want to make sure it’s going to be okay with your father if we are away from the shop for so long. There are more rooms than I expected, and he is talking about wanting me to do the outside walls as well. On top of that, I can’t even start to paint until the old, dirty chipped paint is scraped off. I haven’t done that before but I’m sure the shop that sells the paint can give me some tips.

He wants to do the rooms in different colors too, which I think is a good idea but again it’s going to take more time with the washing brushes and buckets and things. And then he wants to get curtains and bed linens to match, so he’ll have to make a trip to the tailor’s or wherever they make things like that. I’ve never had my own house so I don’t know. Mother might, I know she got new curtains for her house. There’s a butler. How does he have a butler? He’s a really good cook. I ate three helpings of his fish, and then Hethurin asked him to make dessert too. I hope he wasn’t too bothered. They were delicious too. Oh, and there’s a young girl living with him, he said it’s his apprentice but it’s none of my business anyway. She was really interested to hear your stories about the trips we’ve been on, so be prepared for a lot of questions. Probably part of it is that she doesn’t really have anyone to talk to out here, it’s pretty remote and the surroundings are slightly dangerous. Hethurin says there are bats to skin.

I should also warn you that there are ghosts. I thought he was just teasing about that at first, but you can hear them if you lie quietly at night. He says they won’t come into our rooms, but I would guess they probably do. But I don’t think they mean anyone harm. There’s one that cries sometimes, I wish I knew why it was crying. Maybe it feels alone in this big quiet house and maybe it’s worried that the person it loves will never come back. Or maybe it’s afraid that they were lost in the woods and they weren’t able to protect them. I know it’s silly but I miss you so much right now.


[Story] Imralion’s Notes

Wow, I am the biggest idiot. And also jerk. But mostly idiot.

Why didn’t he mention the little detail that Hethurin the mage whose apprentice he is teaching and working with the dragon with and Sanimir the mage who is his former boyfriend are the same person? I mean he must have had a good reason but I can’t think of what they are right now. I’m kind of angry because I’m sure I upset Sanimir… or Hethurin, whichever and I never meant to, that’s the last thing I want. I was just sitting there talking about whatever and I would have been a lot more sensitive if I had known. He started crying right there in the restaurant! He said it’s not my fault and I guess it isn’t, but I’m still kind of upset at Aeramin for not being honest about it. I guess it’s not really my business, but if he’s going to be around I think it kind of is.

I didn’t know at first, he just started talking to us at the next table, Kestrae was talking about going to Nagrand with the archer. I mentioned that it was really nice and he’d probably like it there. Wow, good thing I didn’t mention the swimming huh? Anyway, Sanimir/Hethurin started asking about it, and we were having what I thought was a nice conversation. I just thought he was another one of the Dalaran mages who had come here to Shattrath. He looks really young too, and a bit like me. Which is kind of weird, like was that intentional? I think at some point Kestrae said his name (Hethurin) so then I figured out that he was the mage whose apprentice had come to visit. He asked if Aeramin had said anything and I told him how he’d spoken highly of him as a mage and other things. I honestly don’t remember very much of the conversation that night as I was busy trying not to burn the stew and worried about his apprentice asking questions about me being there. Well, that upset him I guess and there I was stumbling over myself trying to apologize and figure out what I did wrong.

I did think it was odd that he was asking so much about Aeramin and then I got the idea maybe they were involved before, the sister had mentioned something about that anyway. Again, not really my business but I’m trying not to be a jerk or anything about it. Around then is when I finally started to put two and two together, but of course by then the damage had already been done. He probably thinks I’m an insensitive jerk now, which I guess I am but it’s not totally my fault. Or an idiot. I’m not sure which one I’d rather be. So I don’t know what to do now, I know the first thing I was going to do was talk to Aeramin but when I got home he’d fallen asleep at his desk and smudged ink all over his paper. He’ll probably have to do that one all over again. I helped him get into bed and I guess we’ll have to talk about it tomorrow, but I’m really not looking forward to that.

He told me Sanimir left, but if that’s true why is he back? And upset? I don’t want to be the one causing trouble for anyone. I halfway considered writing to Sanimir myself, but I don’t imagine he’d want to hear from me. Especially now. I guess there’s nothing to do but wait and see what happens.

[OOC] Garrus

Forgot to take this guy out of his box with all of the other stuff going on. He’s really awesome! Unfortunately he will probably have to stay in his box until I can figure out a stand of some sort, he’s pretty unstable AND I have a cat who is fond of jumping on the shelves and knocking everything over.

I think he feels right at home on the Trooper shelf!



[Story] Sath’alor’s Meditations

The bear gave me another book to write my thoughts in. I’m not sure if he plans to read it, I kind of hope he doesn’t because he might not like some of the things I wrote about bears. I doubt they can read Thalassian anyway. So now like the girl, I’m trapped here. I can’t leave. I guess I could — I don’t think they would physically restrain me, but I’m a danger to everyone else if I leave. Especially myself. I mean, maybe it’s all just some elaborate fantasy they have thought up to frighten children (cubs?) but something about his expression made me believe him. What do I have to lose? At least I have a warm place to sleep. And this place really isn’t so bad, aside from the lack of shoes.

Oh yes, I don’t have shoes now either. Inside, the floors are smooth and warm so you don’t miss them, but outside you certainly notice. I was never one to spend too much time inside, so I miss my shoes a lot. And it is beautiful here, in a very lonely sort of way. The huge mountains are covered with mist and they make you feel very small and unimportant. At night, the wind echoes through the valleys and sounds like crying. I found a place where I can sit and look over the edge — there’s a tree I could grab onto if I feel like I’m going to fall. On days when it’s clear you can see the ocean far below, just a little smudge of blue.

Am I better? I don’t know the answer to that. I felt okay before. I’ve been breathing the sage smoke and sitting in the meditation room, as the bear said to do. I know what meditation is. In that moment just before you release an arrow, when you can hear your heartbeat in your ears and feel every muscle, and you hold your breath so it flies true. Shooting well takes a kind of mediation too, I tried to explain it to the bear and I think he understood, in a way. But then he said something about my spirit being the weapon instead. That’s not even what I was talking about. I didn’t think I cared how long I had to stay here, I didn’t have anywhere else I needed to be. I mean, I’d like to go hunting with Clementine some days. The food here is pretty bland and it’s noodles almost every day. Not that I don’t like noodles, but what I would really like is some meat. There are goats on the nearby cliffs, and yaks down on the grasslands, if you cooked up some of that with the noodles… that would be very filling. Clementine goes to hunt on her own, I hope she’ll take pity on me and bring something back one of these days. Maybe I can convince the bears to try it.

But now this news about Dalaran… I was talking to that girl last night and she mentioned that things had happened there. She said people had been killed or imprisoned. I knew I should have kept Isandri from marrying that ranger! If she hadn’t, she would be safe at home right now, working in Father’s shop. I don’t know if she’s alive, but I have to find out. Unless the bears are willing to let me leave, the only way to do that is a letter. Something still keeps me from writing, I’m not sure if it’s doubt or guilt or something else. And Kestrae, unless she went back to Silvermoon. I have to pray that she did. Maybe Dalaran reminded her too much — but she had the house, and the cats. And her friends. She wouldn’t have wanted to leave. They could all be dead, or imprisoned. For what? The girl wasn’t sure, but it had something to do with the human mages. If Kestrae and Aeramin were doing illegal magic… I’m trying not to think about what might have happened. But I can’t write to them, I don’t know where they are. I can write about Isandri — if I can make myself do it. What if it just makes things worse? Maybe they’ve already forgotten about me and moved on, and are grieving her now? Perhaps it would be better left alone.

Aranae’s sister had a baby. She doesn’t even want to see it. I wonder if Isandri had one by now.

[Screenshots] One Fishy Down…

One of the new 5.2 pets, caught from fishing. Three left to get!

I asked my fishy-loving friend for a good Japanese koi name for an all-white fish.


[Story] Sora’s Diary

Dear Diary,

There’s been some trouble in Dalaran. That’s not the first time I’ve heard those words. Of course, the last time it happened, I saw it for myself. And I wasn’t the same ever again. Master Andarthir came back from his trip to visit his friend and get supplies — we were low on everything and I’d been telling him that but I guess he finally listened. He said that all of the blood elves were ordered out of the city, and those who refused were put into jail. I wonder if any of my friends refused? I asked Master Andarthir where they went and he said that probably most went back to Silvermoon, but he thought that some went to Shattrath as well.

I don’t even know where that is. I mean, I know it’s in Outland but it’s like someplace I’ve read about in books, not a real place. I wonder if I wrote there if anyone would know if my friends are there. But maybe it’s not such a good idea, I don’t think any of them even remember who I am. Or if they’d want me there at all. Master Andarthir said that the ban probably is for all Horde people, not just blood elves, but he didn’t know for sure. I’m not a Horde person, Dalaran is my home. Or it was. I don’t even know where my home is now. I guess this tower, but it doesn’t feel like my home. It’s nice enough, and he treats me better than most people — he doesn’t stare anymore and I appreciate that. I do a good job trying to keep herbs and candles burning so it doesn’t smell too much up here in my part of the tower.

I think about what would have happened if he was a blood elf. He would have been caught and arrested as soon as he arrived in Dalaran, and he wouldn’t have come back. I’d have never even known what happened to him, or to anyone there. I’d just be here alone, wondering forever. I’m really glad that didn’t happen. I guess I would have the cats. They don’t seem to mind what I look like either, as long as I feed them. One of them even sleeps in my room sometimes.

Maybe I should write? I don’t know. I would just ask if they are all right. I don’t have any news for myself to share. I’ve been learning a lot of fire magic, I can make a whole area on the ground on fire if I want to. I can also do really good fireballs, I think Master Andarthir was impressed. I haven’t worked on the other things in a long time, I’m glad that I don’t need to. I will admit that I call the imp sometimes, just so I have someone to talk to. But he only listens because he has to, that’s not the same as a friend.


[Story] Imralion’s Notes

[[ Short one today, feeling icky so I slept 😦 ]]

I feel like an idiot. How could I not have noticed what that girl was doing? Not just some girl, but the sister of Aeramin’s ex, on top of that. He had to finish up some of his work and I went ahead to the restaurant so I wouldn’t be in the way. Kestrae and Isandri were there, I hardly got to talk to them at all before this girl shows up. She sat right at my table without even asking, excuse me! I got up and moved and explained that I was waiting for someone. She asked if it was a lady friend and I said it wasn’t — I guess I probably should have said something then, but I thought that would be the end of it. Instead she kept asking about a hundred questions about what we’re doing here and where we’ve been. Oh and she wanted to see my sword. You’d think I would have figured it out at that point, but no. Finally she asked if I wanted to meet her somewhere — she said she was staying at the inn. Like I’m supposed to go ask for her there. Kestrae jumped in to rescue me and mentioned Aeramin, and the girl’s whole demeanor changed.

She told me how Aeramin was trying to sacrifice Sanimir to a pit lord and was going out chasing around other guys to replace him after. I said I was sure that wasn’t true but she was pretty adamant about it. Luckily he showed up not too long after and he said it wasn’t, that I was the only person he had been chasing. (I don’t really believe the part about the pit lords anyway, that’s just silly.) I mean, I guess it really isn’t any of my business even if he had — that happened before we were together, but I was glad to hear that it wasn’t true anyway.

She left a paper saying that she was staying at the inn. Oh, and to run away. I still like girls — at least, I notice some of them and think they are attractive. I’m not sure how that works but I don’t think it just stops suddenly. But I’m with someone and I shouldn’t be doing anything more than looking anyway, I hope he doesn’t think that I was. He didn’t seem upset about it or anything. I just hope she won’t cause too much trouble.

[Art] Follow Me, I Know the Way
