[Screenshots] Autumnfest Horse

LOTRO Fall Festival started today, and along with it came a gorgeous new horse that of course I have to get. Thankfully, most of my characters had tokens stashed from last year, so all it took was one race token for Andarthir to get one. My hobbit’s still waiting on her letter from Bilbo so she can join the festivities. So glad they only cost 200 silver now!

Edit: That picture was pretty dark, so here’s a slightly better one (though still at night — why is it always night when I want to take pictures?). This is Kostur in his sorta-kinda cosmetic outfit. I’ve been inspired by seeing all the amazing outfits over at Cosmetic LOTRO.

Edit 2: And the pony version 🙂

[Screenshots] Steed of the Hunter

I was torn about whether I wanted to buy this horse, it’s pretty expensive. But after seeing some more screenshots of its lovely grey color, I decided to spoil my baby Hobbit with one! I’m posting these because I have not seen any other screenshots of the pony version yet. His name is Longshot, which I am keeping 🙂

[Art] Shire Pony